If you’re looking to get fit, get active and get involved with something new then boxing is definitely worth a closer look. Gone are the days where a boxing club would be the domain of a select few hardened warriors — today you can be assured of a warm welcome, high-grade facilities for men and women, and friendly instructors. Want to learn more? Here’s 4 reasons women should take up boxing…
1 - Boxing is truly inclusive
The great thing about learning to box is that you can do it at your own pace, no matter your initial fitness, build or age. Despite what you see in the movies, you’re never going to be thrown into the ring and challenged to go 12 rounds on your first visit to the gym. Instead, you’ll learn the basics like how to throw your jab, move your head and get your feet in place. And if you never want to spar or have a contest, you don’t have to!
2 - Boxing is an all-body workout
You only have to look at the fitness levels of Boxers to see that boxing works every aspect of your physique. Abs, shoulders, legs — you’ll get everything toned and in shape with a fun workout that’s sure to leave you energised.
3 - Boxing is female-friendly
Combat sports icons like Katie Taylor and Nicola Adams have changed the meaning of the phrase “fight like a girl” by showing the world their skill, dedication and courage. This has led to an explosion in female participation across all ages, making boxing one of the most female-friendly sports you can try.
4 - Boxing boosts your confidence
Last but not least, boxing is the best sport for boosting self-confidence because you’ll love the way you look, know you can defend yourself, and have the satisfaction that comes from pushing hard.
If you’d like to learn more, contact us today and book a trial so you can see for yourself.
See you soon!